Cor van Dijkum

Cor van Dijkum

Dr. Cor van Dijkum obtained his BSc in Physics and his M.A. in the Social Sciences from the University of Amsterdam in the 1970s. In 1988 he got his PhD in Social Sciences from the Utrecht University with the thesis entitled "Paradoxes: a methodological study to viciou s circles of thought and action ". He became researcher and lecturer in action research, methods of research, statistics, simulation & gaming, non linear modeling, am ong others i n the Department of Andragology, Department of Methodology and Statistic at Utrecht University . He author ed articles and books about these subjects. He chairs the NOSMO (Dutch Organization for Methodological Research in the Social Sciences). He organizes international conferences and workshops as a member of the board of Research Committee RC51 ( Research Committee on Sociocybernetics ) and RC33 (Research Committee on Logic and Methodology) of the ISA. In 2004 for example he organized an international conference on Methodology with over 700 participants in Amsterdam. In 2000 he founded Sokrates Consultancy and Engineering for consultancy on research and for master courses on statistics and computer simulation, e.g. for IBM, KPMG, Nolan and Norton and UWV (Employee Insurances Implementing Agency)

Some Publications:

Dijkum C. van, Dobben de Bruyn I. van, Kats E. (1980). Actie-onderzoek: een discussie- en werkboek (Action research: a book of discussion and work). Meppel : Boom.

Dijkum C. van (1988). Spelen met paradoxen : een methodologische studie naar vicieuze cirkels in denken en handelen (Paradoxes: a methodological study to vicious circles of thought and action). Proefschrift Universiteit Utrecht. Als handelseditie: Spelen met onderzoek: naar een nieuwe methdologie. Meppel: Boom.

Dijkum C. van (1991). Science after Popper: Towards a New Methodology of Social Science. In: Die Gedankenwelt Sir Karl Popper: Kritischer Realismus im Dialog. Leser N., Seifert J., Plitzner K. (red.). Heidelberg : Carl Winter Universitätsverlag.

Dijkum C. van, DeTombe D. (1992). Gamma chaos : onzekerheid en orde in de menswetenschappen ( Chaos: uncertainty and order in social sciences). Bloemendaal : Aramith.

Dijkum C. van (1995). Computers and Construction of Every day . In F.G. Wallner, J. Simmer (Eds). Wissenschaft und Alltag: Symposionsbeiträge zum Konstruktiven Realismus (pp. 117-129). Vienna: Braumüller.

Cor van Dijkum with the New Vienna Circle

DeTombe D.J., & Dijkum C. van (1996) (Eds.). Analyzing Complex Societal Problems: a Methodological Approach. München : Rainier Hampp Verlag.

Dijkum C. van (1997). From Cybernetics to the Science of Complexity. Kybernetes, 6/7, 725-738.

Dijkum C. van (1997). Constructive Realism: Answers to the Problems of Modern Science? . T. Slunecko (Ed.). The Movement of Constructive Realism (pp. 277-291). Vienna: Braumüller.

Dijkum C. van (1998). The validation of simulation models. In Bargiela A. and Kerckhoffs E. (Eds). Simulation technology: science and art. (pp. 221-224). Gent: The Society for Computer Simulation International.

Dijkum C. van (1998). The world constructed by computers: some remarks on constructive realism and informatics. In Dijkum C. van, Zeeuw G. de & Glanville R. (Eds.). Methodological Explorations in Constructivism. (pp. 65-79). Southsea and Amsterdam: BKSplus.

Dijkum C. van, Zeeuw G. de & Glanville R. (1998) (Eds.). Methodological Explorations in Constructivism. Southsea and Amsterdam: BKSplus.

Dijkum C. van, DeTombe D., Kuijk E. (1998) (Eds.) . Validation of Simulation Models. Amsterdam: Siswo.

Mens-Verhulst J. van, Dijkum C. , Kuijk E. van, Lam N. (1999). Dealing with fatigue: the importance of health-related action patterns. Patient Education and Counseling, 36, 65-74.

Dijkum C. van, Landsheer H. (2000). Experimenting with a Non-linear Dynamic Model of Juvenile Criminal Behavior. Simulation & Gaming, Vol.31,No.4, 479-490.

Min R., Kommers P., Vos H., Dijkum C. van (2000). A Concept Model for Learning. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, Vol.11, No 3/4, 485-506.

Dijkum C. van (2001). A Methodology for Conducting Interdisciplinary Social Research. European Journal of Operational Research,Vol.128,Iss. 2, 290-299.

Zouwen H. van der , Dijkum C. van (2001). Towards a methodology for the empirical testing of complex social models. In: H. van der Zouwen & F. Geyer (eds.), Sociocybernetcs: complexity, autopoisis, and observation of social systems. (pp. 223-240). Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Dijkum C. van, Lam N., Ganzeboom H. (2001). The Dynamics of Educational Expansion: A Simulation Model. Geyer F. & Zouwen H. van der (Eds). Sociocybernetics: Complexity, Autopoiesis, and Observation of Social Systems. (pp. 205-222). Westport: Greenwood Publishers.

Hoksbergen R., Dijkum C.van (2001). Trauma Experienced by Children Adopted from Abroad. Adoption & Fostering, Vol. 25, nr.2, 18-26.

Dijkum C.van, Mens-Verhulst J. van (2002). Sociocybernetics Going beyond the Logic of the Social Sciences. International Review of Sociology, Vol. 2, 2, 193-201.

Hoksbergen R., Dijkum, C. van , Stoutjesdijk, F. (2002), Experiences of Dutch Families Who Parent an Adopted Romanian Child, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 23(6): 403-409; Dec 2002.

Dijkum C. , Mens-Verhulst J. van, Kuijk E. van, Lam N. (2002), System Dynamic Experiments with Non-linearity and a Rate of Learning, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Vol. 5, 3.

Elements of a systemdynamics model of the communication of between patient and gp


Hoksbergen, R.A.C.., Van Dijkum, C. & Stoutjesdijk, F. (2002). In: Bergh, P, Knorth, E.J., Verheij, F. & Lane, D.C. (eds.). Changing Care. Amsterdam: SWP Publishers.

Mens-Verhulst J. van, Dijkum C. , Kuijk E. van, Lam N. (2003). The self-regulation of fatigue and associated complaints: an exploratory simulation Patient Education and Counseling. Volume 49, Issue 1, January 2003, Pages 53-57.

Baarda B., De Goede M & Dijkum C. van (2003). Basisboek. Statistiek met SPSS. Groningen-Houten: Stenfert Kroese/Wolters-Noodhoff. Vierde geheel herziene druk 2010.

Schroots, Johannes JF, Cor Van Dijkum, and Marian HJ Assink (2004). Autobiographical memory from a life span perspective. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 58.1 (2004): 69-85.

Schroots J., Dijkum C. van, Assink M. (2004). Autobiographical Memory from a Life Span Perspective. International Journal of Aging and Development, Vol. 58 No. 1.

Schroots J., Dijkum C. van (2004). Autobiographical Memory Bump- A Dynamic Lifespan Model. Dynamical Psychology: An International, Interdisciplinary Journal of Complex Mental Processes. (

Hoksbergen, R., ter Laak, J., Rijk, K., van Dijkum, C., & Stoutjesdijk, F. (2005). Post-institutional autistic syndrome in Romanian adoptees. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35(5), 615-623.

Landsheer, Johannes A., and Cor van Dijkum (2005). Male and female delinquency trajectories from pre through middle adolescence and their continuation in late adolescence. Adolescence 40.160 (2005): 729.

Dijkum C. van, Blasius J., Durand C. (Eds.) (2005). Recent Developments and Applications in Social Research Methodology. Proceedings of the RC33 Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology. New York: Budrich Verlag.


Dijkum, C.J., van, Schroots, H. (2006). The challenge of the past for the future of the social sciences. Kybernetes, 35, 3/4, 385-402.

Dijkum, C. van (2006). El reto del pasado para el futuro de las Ciencias Sociales, en MARCUELLO, Ch. [ed.] (2006): Sociocibernética. Lineamientos para un paradigma. Institución Fernando ElCatólico- CSIC.DPZ. Zaragoza

Dijkum C. van, Verheul W. Lam N. and Bensing J. (2008). Non Linear Models for the Feedback between GP and Patients, in R. Trappl (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems, Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, pp. 629–634.

Dijkum, C. van, Verheul, W. Lam N. and Bensing, J. (2008). Non Linear Models for the Feedback between GP and Patients. Paper presented on the 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Naples, September 1-5.

Dijkum C. van (2008). Changing methodologies for research, Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change 5: 3, pp. 267–289.

Dijkum C. van, Verheul W. Lam N. and Bensing J. (2009). The Complexity of the Communication between GP and Patient. Paper presented on the The 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, EURO XXIII, Bonn, July 5-8.

Dijkum C. van, Lam N. (2009). The Communication between GP and Patient represented in a continuous non linear simulation model. Paper presented on the third European Survey Research Association (ESRA) conference, Warsaw, June 29-July 3.

Lam N., Dijkum C. van (2010). Exploring a Complex Model of Communication. Paper presented on the International Conference Operations Research, Mastering complexity. Munchen September 1-3.

Dijkum, C. van, Lam N. (2010). Reflections on the Complexity of Feedback Processes by Using Computers. Paper presented on the RC33/RC53 Joint Session in the XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Gothenburg, Sweden11 - 17 July.

Dijkum C. van, Tavecchio L. (Eds.) (2015). Praktijkonderzoek in ontwikkeling. Nieuwe inzichten en voorbeelden. Meppel: Boom Lemma.